Examples Of Websites Created With Bookano

Below, you can see examples of websites created with Bookano
Click on an image to visit the live page
Some sites aren’t live yet, so they only link to the image

Feel free to run speed tests on these sites. They are all very fast.

Normandy Gite Holidays

A Gite Property website built using Bookano
Integrated with Free To Book booking engine

Part of the homepage
Part of the reviews page
Part of the guide page

Jersey Shore Villas

A 3 Property website built using Bookano
With automated review updates from Google, Airbnb, and VRBO

Property selector
Guest reviews
Gallery page

Steyning Cottages

A cottage website built using Bookano
Integrated with the Bookalet booking engine

Homepage header
Part of the property page
The availability page

Villa Alejandro

A retirement village website built using Bookano
Integrated with the Smoobu booking engine

Atmospheric slider
Room page
Booking form

Honu Point Vacation Rental

Luxury vacation rental website built using Bookano
Integrated with the WP Simple Booking Calendar

Property page
In-depth guide
Availability page

Maison Manechal Holiday Rental

Historic holiday rental website built using Bookano
Integrated with the OwnerRez booking engine

BnB bedrooms slider
Gift voucher block
Availability page
Conservation Manifest
Breakfast menu
Amenities block